How to gain in productivity and reduce your fatigue thanks to a tailor-made office?

Do you want to improve your productivity? Do you want to reduce your fatigue when you are telecommuting? Or do you simply want to optimize your workspace as much as possible? So follow our guide to choosing the right desk height.


Vous avez très certainement déjà rencontré ce problème : au bout de quelques heures de travail vous commencez à avoir mal au dos, vous vous trouvez extrêmement fatigué et vous remarquez que votre posture n’est pas la bonne. À terme vous n’arrivez plus à être concentré et vous vous dispersez vers des activités non productives. Cela est dû à la mauvaise ergonomie entre votre corps et votre poste de travail. 

En effet, les bureaux standards ne sont pas du tout adaptés à toutes les morphologies. C’est comme si vous portiez des chaussures en pointure 37 alors que vous faites du 42. Non seulement cela est inconfortable mais cela peut devenir dangereux à terme pour votre corps. Choisir un bureau sur-mesure adapté à votre taille est la clé pour un meilleur bien-être, une productivité décuplée et un corps en parfaite santé à long terme. 

Si vous êtes un étudiant à haut potentiel, un cadre supérieur, un artiste, un entrepreneur, ou une personne pouvant souffrir de mal de dos. Un bureau adapté à votre taille vous permettra d’améliorer votre productivité et votre créativité. Vous aurez moins de douleurs, ressentirez moins de fatigue et serez capable de travailler plus longtemps pour atteindre enfin votre véritable potentiel. 

What is the ideal height of a desk for your height?

Ergonomics is the science that studies the relationship between humans and their work environment in order to provide maximum comfort, safety and efficiency. This science is applied to the workstation but it can also be extrapolated to all places of everyday life, from the kitchen to the living room. It is a burgeoning science, which gave birth to the helmets of US Air Force fighter pilots and the UHD heads-up display in high-end cars.

If you work with an adjustable chair, multiply your height by 0.4 to find the ideal height for your desk. So if you are 1.50m tall, it is advisable to use a desk with a foot height of 60 centimeters. Having a desk in your size is essential in order to maintain a straight spine. This will allow you to have a more balanced posture. To have a reduction of the tension on the muscles, ligaments and on your joints.

Find our table of ideal desk leg height according to your height right here:

Table of desk leg height according to your size

your sizedesk leg height

At Mercure Décoration, we offer four types of steel legs that are particularly suitable for making a custom desk:

Heraclite leg custom made 

leg heraclite

Ulysse leg custom made

pied Ulysse

 Hercule leg custom made 

pied Hercule

Olympe leg custom made 

pied Olympe


You can discover all of our custom-made desk table legs by clicking here. Then you just have to find the tray (preferably in wood, because it soothes and allows you to work more serenely and more efficiently).

If you are at the head of a dynamic company and want to ensure that each of your employees can become as productive as possible, you must offer them absolute ergonomics. At the same time, you will keep the elegance of beautiful French-style offices which will give your clients a cachet. you can contact us for a quote: contact us.

By choosing a custom-made table leg you will protect your back, increase your productivity and gain in well-being. All with the elegance and quality of Made in France.

Appendix: which depth to choose for an ideal office?

Ergonomics experts recommend having a minimum of two feet between your eyes and a screen, so the depth of a desk is three feet or more